Health & Light Institute

Salt Flush

Premier Pink Salt
click image for video on the Benefits of Salt

Benefits of the Salt Flush:

You can think of a Salt Flush as a "25 cent colonic" and more. A Salt Flush cleanses the entire digestive tract, including the stomach, small intestine and colon. Whereas, colonics or enemas only reach the colon or a small part of it.

In general, most people have suffered considerable damage to the lining of the entire intestinal tract- from mouth to anus. Poor dietary choices, gallstones, lack of bile, overeating, etc. all contribute to the deterioration of this precious “internal skin.”

As a result of this “tissue damage syndrome,” cells are challenged by poison, oxygen depriva-tion, malnutrition or a physical trauma, and they lose potassium, take on sodium and chloride, and swell up with excess water.

The presence of high quality salt will begin to reverse this damage as cells take on more sodium. It also promotes a healthy internal pH which will neutralize the harmful effects of parasites and pathogens.

The salt will literally “flush” the toxins away.


A Salt Flush should only be taken first thing in the morning on an empty stomach.

  1. Add 1 tablespoon of Premier Pink Salt to 1 Quart of room-temperature, purified water. You can slightly warmthe water to increase maximum results.
  2. Drink the entire salt solution within a few minutes.
  3. Then drink another quart of purified water within a half an hour.
  4. Do not eat for at least 2 hours and avoid coffee, tea, or anything that may be dehydrating. It is best just to drink water.

Use a High Quality Pink Salt:

Choosing high quality salt is difficult. Please do not use grey sea salt or any other type of salt. These salts are full of petroleum or have been ground with a nickel grinder. We recommend to use Premier Pink Salt although Himalayan salt should be ok.

Can I add Less Salt to the Flush?

Some people feel comfortable using 2 teaspoons of salt. This is OK as long as you flush. If you do not flush, add another teaspoon the next time you do a Flush. Using anymore than 1 tablespoon most likely will create nausea.

What Kind of Water Is Best?

It’s very important to only use acid pH water for the Salt Flush, otherwise energy will go to detoxifying minerals out of the water if alkaline pH or mineral enhanced water is used. R/O (reverse osmosis) is our recommendation. Do not use distilled water.

What Can I Expect?

Most people experience rapid, bowel elimination within 1 to 2 hours. You are usually safe to leave the house within 2 hours of the first flush. If no flush occurs (no watery bowel movements), this may indicate a person is extremely salt (sodium) deficient, has internal damage to the lining of the intestines, or has a great deal of toxic body burden. Healthy cells have a preference for potassium over sodium, but when cells are damaged they begin to prefer sodium. So, do not be alarmed if no “flushing” action occurs the first time. Your cells have simply “sopped up” the much needed sodium. In this case, drink another quart of water and go on with your day.

Again, if there is a sodium deficiency your body will hold on to the salt as much as it can. In this case, water retention may occur-which is good. Water retention arises to accelerate removing toxins from tissue. When a body with stored toxins registers the availability of high quality sodium and water, it will retain both. The water is held in contact with tissue to leech out toxins. When the water saturates, toxins begin to precipitate out and the water will be expelled.

Note: The salt water has the same specific gravity as the blood, hence the kidneys cannot pick up the water and the blood cannot pick up the salt.

How Often Do I Need To Do A Salt Flush?

Preferably one to three times a week until water expelled from bowel movement is clear. For most individuals who begin salt flushing, the bowels may not clear completely. To flush completely means that when you are finished, water was the only thing excreted from the bowels. This may take a while for some people to accomplish.

Once you begin to flush in this manner continue on a maintenance flush of one time a week. For individuals with severe bowel deficiencies, and/or poor digestion, Salt Flushes are recommended once a day for one week. Then reduce the number of Salt Flushes each following week. This will promote rapid clearance of the GI tract, improve digestion, and restore proper bowel function.

Below is the Traditional Ayurveda recommendation for this sequence:

If this is intimidating, start out with one Flush to see how it goes, then work your way up to doing several a week.

Since Salt Flushing is safe it can be taken any time (always upon rising and on an empty stomach). It is especially beneficial for those who suffer from Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Digestive Disorders, and constipation. After a week or two of continuous Salt Flushes, people report remarkable improvement.

What if I Don’t Flush?

It is common for some individuals to do Salt Flushes several times and experience little or no flushing action. Although this can be discouraging, especially if water retention occurs, it is recommended to continue doing them until a complete flush takes place.

Many benefits will come from the intake of high amounts of quality salt. The small intestine neutralizes most common tissue toxins, and prolonged use of high quality salt will encourage rapid cell detoxification- thus improving overall health.

Maximize Your Salt Flush Experience by Adding Pink Salt to Your Drinking Water:

As stated previously, individuals that are deficient in sodium will not flush very well. To maximize your experience, it is recommended to add Premier Pink Salt to your drinking water. Typically a few pinches of salt per 8 oz. of water.

Not only will this build your sodium reserves, it will help to hydrate you beyond that which ordinary water (filtered or not) can. Sodium deficiency causes people to become dehydrated at the cellular level, regardless of how much water is consumed. Sodium carries the negative charge necessary to deliver water directly into the cells. Make it a daily habit to add high quality salt to your drinking water, and never go with out it!


*Disclaimer: The information provided within this entire website may greatly assist you to naturally & nutritionally replenish, renew and/or regain your health. BUT, please understand, that ALL the statements posted on this entire website HAVE NOT been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The suggested products, information and procedures provided within this entire website are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease and are for educational purposes only and based on anecdotal testimonies, not intended to replace the advice of your health care professional. Health & Light Institute as well as all the companies represented in this website do not dispense medical advice, prescribe or diagnose any illnesses. The information taken from this website and acted upon by the reader or other interested parties is carried out at that individual's own personal risk. Those with health problems, or who are pregnant or nursing, are specifically advised that they should consult their physician before using any device, product, or perform any suggested procedure.

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